Even when a speech is based on an essay, the two are written and delivered differently. We write persuasive essays and speeches to convince our audience of the idea that we put forward before them. Once we are aware of the purpose and goal of our speeches then it becomes easy to target the audience and convince them.

I happened to be quite good at writing speeches but not quite good at delivering them. Every time I used to write my essays for me, my friends used praised how well I wrote. I used to like writing ever since I was a kid but I could not understand why I could not deliver a speech that I had already written.


It dawned upon me that I could not deliver a speech because I read it out loud like an essay and not as a speech. While delivering the speech I rarely paid attention to the audience in front of me and what I was trying to convey. I only focussed on the highs and lows of my voice.

I thought a more stressed tone makes a speech more impressive but I was wrong. Over years, I reached the conclusion that knowing the purpose of your speech is the key to being able to deliver a good speech.

Today, I will share with you the purpose of a persuasive essay. After years of experience, I am now convinced that even if I write my essay for me or get it written by someone else, I can deliver a good speech if I know why I am trying to persuade my audience. There are three basic purposes of persuasive speeches:

To inform your audience.

To make your audience aware of your argument.

To convince your audience that your argument is valid.

As the

title indicates that you have to persuade. To persuade means you have to convince your audience with what you are saying. The other goals of a speech are secondary to this goal. They are only to provide strength to the primary goal of persuading your audience. Online skilled writers might assist you in turning a routine essay into something enjoyable and distinctive.

You must know that your audience is not completely unaware. They already have some knowledge and opinions about the topic of your speech.

Then you must know, why is your argument so valid that the audience should give up on its prior knowledge and opinion to agree with what you are saying. According to professional writers, consistently follow your personality and define the story through them.

However, guarantee that you really take a look at your subject through perusers' eyes. You can hire specialists and solicitations that they write essay for me.

To persuade your audience you need to gradually make your point. You must add facts and some compelling arguments backed by those facts that you will be putting forward in your Persuasive Speech.

You do this by informing your audience about the current situation and the available facts.

This becomes a secondary goal of your speech. If you face any issues then, at that point, hire an online service provider to write an essay for me.

You have to make our audience believe that despite their opinion your argument holds more credence. Since you are backing your arguments with some factual information, you should be able to make your audience believe that your opinion is a valid one.

You must think about how you would be convinced if you were part of an audience for a speech. Attack the weak points that appear contrary to your argument and put forward your stance with confidence. You can write essay for yourself if you have a list of topics.

The above two goals bring you to the primary goal of your speech, persuading. You want to convince your audience with the facts and arguments that your stance is more valid as compared to the opponent's camp. Since it is a speech to persuade, the topic is likely going to be a debatable one.